Monday, October 27, 2008


Diwali is in. And the only "most happening thing is the variety of sweets Mom made this time, and the variety of programmes on the Idiot Box, to keep the oldies occupied. My dad, a hard core fan of debates in any channel and any time, took pleasure in evading me from watching "darling Maddy's " interview. Forgive them all, I thought, but never forget! :P That's when I thought, about Diwali. I am against a lot of things, as you all would have surmised by now. So one of my "Seasonal" , go-against-this attitude is towards crackers. So having lost in the war of programming (watching actually ;)), I decided to give a stroke here and there, by opening MS Paint and just painting, whatever I thought...Lot's of things were running through my head, as usual. But at that moment of opening MS Paint, it was the festive attraction - Crackers. :D :D :D :D
Well...So the pic says it all ?!! :) :) :)
Hope You all Had a great Diwali...And you (didn't) have a blast! ;) hehe! Cheers!!!

Note :
I'm bored of controversies..............!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


“Slowness to change usually means fear of the new.”

-Philip Crosby

Escalophobia - My fear of escalators ! I've always wanted to come out of the uneasiness of "gliding" on an escalator. I usually "esss" (escape) when there is an escalator, taking every tortuous path possible. Anything but an "escalator"! ! Why is it so hard for me, when I'll have to face it anyway at some point of life ? Well, like how a kid listens to you and obediently has food, at the mention of a "non-existent", daddy-made , blanket covered, one eyed , child snatching character, my fear of escalators is psychological too. I guess I was around 14, when we had star movies, HBO etc without the "angel-set-top-box!" . Those were the times, when any movie , anytime, me and my bro would watch (provided that our folks were still at work ;-) )There was this movie on HBO about a man with a kid and a step mom who is actually a witch in disguise. She wants the kid out of her way, to have the man all to herself. The kid is a teenager and she goes to a mall, to freak out with her friends. The witch decides to finish her off. She starts chanting inexplicable spells, while still at home. Like every other mall, the one in concern has the "hero" of this post - an escalator! *grrr* The girl, along with a bunch of mates, takes the escalator. Suddenly her shoe lace unwinds. There is an appropriate background score, hinting us that something important is coming up and hence "Stay put!" and have control over all the other senses and be deaf to "nature's calls" ;-)) The girl just happens to notice it, while the escalator has started moving. She makes an attempt to bend down to tie it. Exactly at this moment, the angles shift, a spin of the camera brings to us, the witch at her best mystic attire possible! She is in deep meditation. She keeps uttering incomprehensible spells, making us wonder about the girl instead, inquisitively wondering if she had finished tying the shoe lace by now. By all the laws of Science and as per the Theory of Logic, the girl should have finished the job by now. But since the director wants us to just "assume" that things are happening in parallel (the witch chanting and the girl bending ;-)) we are forced to forget the laws of Science . Instead, we start concentrating on the "little" of the camera tricks that the director displays, showing us the witch, her mouth, the girl - in several stages of bending down . Another loud cry, indicating that the bend has now become a "bent" - complete. We silently applaud in the mind's eye.The witch throws some powder, instantaneously the girl's chain gets caught in the steps of the escalator when she has just finished the job and is about to raise. And in one shot, she is strangled to death. Any ratiocinator would thank the "holy God" for giving the director the sense for avoiding the depiction of this process in the previously adopted strategy for showing the girl trying to tie an unwound shoelace, in a million steps and a zillion shots !! Finally,a grotesque figure "glides" to the destination. Ever since, I've had this fear for the "E's"!(Bored of typing the entire spelling). I know there is no witch in my life. Forget the step-mom! I know its dumb to be scared of it. And I know it can never happen, if I don't wear shoes. :P Clever ain't I? ;-) And if I hang on to the railing by the side. And if I am busy, chatting away or staring at the person ahead or holding hands with someone and if I just don't think about the movie at all . . . But still... what is the use of knowing all this? What is the use of even blogging about this ? Because, when it comes to reality, when it comes to standing face-to-face with the E!(lazy again!), I 'm far from all reasoning. My brain refuses to conjure up all this theory I've typed so far. A microsecond back, I might have thought I was just acting silly, and allowed my friends to compel me into the "ultimatum". But when I'm just about to do it, pop goes all my decision making. All my logical reasoning abilities go null. I become a loser in microseconds, not able to think, not able to stick to the decision made(though not by me! :P). I'm blank, staring at the E, wondering if I'll ever get over it at all?! And all I do is... turn around in search of the label "Stairs..This way ---> " and again "Pop goes the weasel" .. ~!~!~!

Note :
If you haven't noticed till here, Thank you. If you are just about to notice, Hang on !!! Yeah, I haven't said the name of the movie. That's because I don't know. I' m not even promising that I'll do some research and find out and update the post again. So please assume its some "X" or to make it more like a horror movie "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" !! (SJ SURYA, on his way to hit me for partial plagiarism.! God save my blog!! !! :-) :-)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Catatonic Poetry!?!

Make!!!Another poem on its way...! I promise nothing in this post. This was something which was born when I was typing an SMS to a friend of mine . I do not know why, but my mind just conjured up this line "Falling in love with a broken dream". As I was typing this, as an SMS, just to share it and amuse about it with a friend, I couldn't stop my fingers. The typing went on, like I was in a trance, for a few more lines, and alas! - a poem was born (or atleast :D I call it one! :P :D)...Here goes...
*Sheepish look on her face, still musing about that "one" line, wondering if she is increasing the probability of people thinking she was really insane, or rather, proving it that very minute...Hmmm .. she sighs...but still..who cares?!? adding a "who isn't?" to it, she goes on to post it, anyway...!*

While in a Trance

I fell in love with a broken dream...
Though it may all seem, as though
Things are the way, they've always been...
I still regret my fall, big time, for...
It's the one which happened just in time...
I refuse to cry, believing that my eyes are pretty dry...
I fell in love with a broken dream...
And it just isn't what it seems...

-S()mS!E :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Interpretations - Part Two (*phew* atLast!! ;-) )

Well, well..I guess the Part Two took quite some time. Sorry to keep all my readers waiting :D If you are still waiting with bated breaths, please have a sip of water and come back, as I will go on with some rigmarole before I actually come to the subject ;) I take liberty in being my own "sweet" critic, thus saving the humiliation, and keeping up the dignity, by overtaking those who just part their lips to comment about something... Well : ) that's me..Now that I have indulged into this senseless comprehension, I hear some grumbles and I guess they are louder after that sip of water.. So I continue with my Interpretations.. I'm now locked up in my room, thus curbing my fingers from typing "to be contd.." hence giving birth to a Part 3 ;-) ;-)

My interpretations - about Religion, God, Faith, Life and things of least importance to many.

I sat down to think about the very reason behind the emergence of religions, the concept of God. I have given this so much thought that I've started viewing things in unanimity. My theory might be far from Science,Logic or whatever. But I'm just taking liberty to blog what my mind conceives. Stepping out the door, there are so many things we see. So many things we don't see as well. I tried this at a crowded bus stop. I observed people and there was a real conflict of emotions, unspoken, but very daring, staring right at you! I was just contemplating, what was running through their minds. And, I just wondered, it would have been a difficult task, for God to create so many lives and bring in some form of unity between them, just to maintain harmony in the world. That's when I feel, religion was born. (*Tadaaa!!* *AVM* bgm)...Let's take an example of a school. There may be 1000 or more kids, all of different shapes and sizes., coming in several packages. A uniform however brings in some bond, just to channelize them and mould them into a single unit. In the same way, religions were born, to channelize people. To take them through one path of wisdom. To me, religions are just different interpretations of God. God is one, but God is interpreted in different ways. It is just that, someone took the lead, and followed one of God's interpretations. People who believed, followed suit. And hence, we had a group of people, organized and united, in the "name of God", and thus a new religion was born. When this happened all over the world, different people started believing in different ways. Thus based on the geography of the area, a few miracles and lot more blessings, considered as gifts from God, the world became united in the name of God, but still fragmented, in the name of Religion. All this is just my thoughts, ideas, and expressions. You are all entitled to your opinions, as I am.
My God is Human :
A weird comparison?? I take an example of one human being(Man) and I thought I'd relate this one person to all the religions (actually 3 main ones I'm well aware of). Here's what I came up with...
A human is more a human because he has - a heart which beats and thus prolongs his life: a brain - which controls his actions, enforcing a discipline into his body: the other important organs and limbs - that help in his perception, survival and sustaining the quality of him being a human. Taking all this into consideration, here's my interpretations (Supposed to be the actual "matter" content of part two :D :D As usual, I just got carried away! ;P )
Human Body :
The Heart - Christianity :
Only a heart can undergo all sufferings and pain , but still forgive the cause of the pain. Talk of heart-aches, or heart-breaks..I leave it to your judgment. But just, for this one quality , I thought the Heart can be related to Christianity.
The Brain - Islam :
The brain is the so(u)l(e) controller of the entire body, and it has a role in all our actions. I know a few friends who come from this religion. I've always admired them for their discipline and almost all of them, had a driving force to entrust complete faith in "their" interpretation of God.
The Others - Hinduism :
I am a Hindu, though I like to be referred to as a Theist than being categorized as a Hindu. Unity in diversity - Hinduism stands as an example to it. Just like all the different organs, limbs, which all function for one purpose - to give life to the human. With its diversity, each with a different purpose, different classifications and hence, several interpretations of "My God", Hinduism forms a large family to panegyrize the several forms of my one God.
Conclusion [ *Atlast* Applause please] : "My God is Human "!!

UPDATE : As on 9/10/08 :
An alternative to Hinduism - The Mind. I would like to quote here, Niranjan who was kind enough to suggest an alternative, with a reasonable explanation :) [In the Comments section]
" Let us call Hinduism , "The Mind". Now the mind is not the heart, nor is it the brain (the former is a blood pump and the latter is the is an integrated circuit with a lot of logic gates and FPGA's ). It's there in us, but not in any apparently physical form. It is interpreted by various people in various ways but one, and all agree it is what makes mankind what it is "

Though I din't get the part about FPGA's and Logic Gates, I agree to this interpretation. If any of you have any other alternatives, post them in the comments section. You can relate it to any of the religions. I will try and update here, as much as possible. Thank you!

There ends My interpretations - about Religion, God, Faith, Life and things of least importance to many. (no worries, I'm not typing "to be continued"... :O .... oh oh!even though I've typed it ;) I dint mean it!) ;P :P :P So chillax! (;-) )

Note : (Just in case you didn't notice ;-) Making sure, you scroll back and notice !:D )
I haven't genderized God in any statement. I don't like to genderize God . I 'm against the term "goddess" too. I strongly believe that God can be a male, female, or both or even "it"! I guess, its the perceptibility that counts. I perceive God as God and there's no He, She, or It...I find nothing wrong about the way things are going on in this world. About the way the religion is perceived. About the religious rites, sometimes followed by "riots". All in the name of God....Well...If only people can hear God screaming and asking them to stop!....Who said this - "The Gods Don't Mind ...but "They" DO! " They referring to all those caught up in beliefs in taking out peoples lives , (not) again (!), in the "name" of God. They referring to all those who lead lives to bestow massive destruction upon a group people, again with God as an excuse....
And yeah..! by the way...I said it! ;) :) ;-)

Go on and post comments. But please don't ask me anything. I cannot answer any of them, if they are logical or scientific or religious. Because, No.1 I'm pathetic in VIVA-VOICE (;-)
No.2.I didn't do any research. I just spoke my heart out...Again..On impulse! So spare me! I wouldn't mind discussing the issue though..!!!
Now for some excitement : Post blog contest :
Q: The number of times the blogger has used the expression "in the name of God" . ..
Correct answers to be posted in the comments section. Exciting gifts waiting! Hurry!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D hahahahhahahhahaha!

Thank You!
May "MY GOD ;) " Bless You All !! :-)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A bLASt fRoM tHE pAST.....~!


He asks her if she can…

She says that she can…

He asks her to wash his clothes…

She does it with all heart...

He treats her like a fly…

She just gives him a chance to try..!

He speaks ill of her...

She takes it all into her...

He keeps reminding her of being an intruder…

She keeps fighting back with frozen tears…

He asks her to clean his shoes…

She does it without any woes…

He brings a girl into the house..

She responds like a mouse…

He suddenly decides to disown her...

She ,this time..,pleads to him to have her…

He sways from here to there…

Like a bird caught between two branches…

From the girl to her…

Not knowing to whom to hear…

He then makes a decision…

He holds her neck with disgust…

She struggles and starts to protest…

He shoves her out of the house…

She falls on the pavement…

She gets up…with her face filled with shock…

She takes one last look at him…

Their eyes meet…

Tears flow…

She utters a last word of prayer…


- !~!somsie~!~!

P.S. :

A poem written when I was in Class XI...Just a reminiscence. Memories, never fade away.........~~~!~!~!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Interpretations...

"There is only One God, that I will bow down to.
There is only One God, that I will say thank you. "

- In My Father's Words , Blaaze.

My interpretations - about Religion, God, Faith, Life and things of least importance to many.

I'm a person strongly ruled by principles and beliefs. I have a very strong conviction about God and I don't believe in religion. I'm as strong a theist can be, excluding the fact that I don't believe in religion. To me, God does exist. God created the Universe, created Life on earth. Created Darwin and made him figure out, the evolution process. The World is never a small place. There are so many forms of life, so many people constricted by rigid rules set across ages ago, by some unknown force. Science has taught us one inevitable art - the art of questioning. Sometimes, "acceptance" is an easier option. It's practical as well. But only when we question, the basics of the situation at hand evolve, the elapse in time gets figured out, and finally, the human mind comes to one theory on its own, again ending in "acceptance" of that theory. The same happened to this person, typing away furiously, all the thoughts that have stayed in the cerebral cortex coming out in one flow. She can't stammer while using the keyboard, but she technically does in context of her thoughts. And a sudden stop comes over them, she is called for dinner. She keeps the browser window still open. She has dinner, with a book in hand, the last few pages of which she has been planning to finish for ages. By the time she gets back, the synchronization between the cortex and the soul is lost. She sighs and takes a deep breath. Does what she isn't used to doing and drafts the post. Suddenly, a thought comes to her head. She plans on making it a series and she types "Part-1" here. She is scared to type "to be continued" but still does it, trusting her passion more than her leisure. And she forgets something and adds a "Post Subscript"- She still hasn't finished that book. . . !!!
Interpretation : Maybe the book was too good, that she decided to finish it first and then blog.
For those people where "curiosity spared the cat and killed them" , for once, the book is "the Notebook " by Nicholas Sparks. An author who always makes her eyes moist with emotions, "peelings" to some people. She decides that she's gone too far already, typing too much about herself than about the post itself and stops here. And I type : To be continued...............................!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Children - Truly from Heaven

"Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven".

Starting as usual with an SQ ( "sutta" quote), which my blog has seen just too many, and all coming from one source...! Children - Truly from heaven (Starting with title, when I don't get the topic sentence! Ain't I honest? ? *Ahem Amen*! ;-)) I'm sometimes totally lost in the world of kids. Observing a child teaches me more about life than anything else. It's just not about the beauty. Its about the innocence, the touch, the expression, and an yearning to learn which takes a trip downhill, as and when people grow older, calling themselves mature and in some cases "just too busy", failing to do the most important gift granted by nature - To Observe. It is a child which wants to know "why" the sky is blue, the oceans are blue at some places and green in some places (questioning reflection), the trees are green(Chlorophyll ? ), the mountains are brown(In touch with Earth?) , and so on , as taught to them in their arts 'n' crafts classes. Do we ever question to why we are doing something, from generation to generation, without even knowing the cause ? And not to forget, the "so-called" superstitions.Some of the superstitions do have some logical explanations. It's about the majority of them, leading the track of stupidity.For instance - The Black Cat crossing the Road - Black Omen phenomenon! Once upon a time, a cat gets tired of walking on the same side of the road, and decides to take a drastic step, a probable risk for a cat, and crosses the road. And a "Mr.X" sees it, and the next minute, something bad happens to Mr.X. Why blame the cat? It would have happened, whether or not, the cat stayed on the same side of the road or crossed it. It's astonishing that the same countries which believe in destiny, fate and karma, believe in this weird theory! And target will always be on a "BLACK" cat!! If its really reasonable, even then, it should apply to all colours of cats. Did we ever stop to think of that? A child would always question this stupidity . Ever since a child utters the first syllable, which then develops slowly into words, proceeding to a jumbled sentence to a coherent sentence - all affirmatives, to which the parents have only awed expressions stuck on their faces, a look of wonder at the beauty of their language uttered by their children's lips. When the same sentence comes tagged with a question mark, the awed expression becomes all flawed...They end up doing what their parents(awed-struck ones again!!) did when they themselves ,while as kids, questioned stupidity. So on and so forth, where a child's observance and inquisitiveness is masked in the name of "security" and "care". It would be great to let kids loose and allow them to explore. Allow them to live their lives and not second-hand lives of their parents. All this is my opinion. An opinion of a 21 year old, living a life of unfulfilled dreams. Some dreams yet to be fulfilled. Dreams of making it big in a field I chose out of shear fantasy-Biotechnology (I still question that choice I made). Dreams of finding peace in a house at the hill top, undisturbed and existing in tranquility with nature. Dreams of starting a nursery school sometime in life (That's what this post is all about).Dreams of changing my environment.Dreams of putting a stop to the logically absurd beliefs engulfing humanity. Dreams of becoming a writer. Dreams of publishing a book.Dreams of cherishing every moment. Dreams of lovin my life.Dreams of living it !~!~!~!~!

Picture Courtesy : Cutie-Pie next door... :-) :-)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Pssssshhhh...It's story time...Just Listen !!!

The Story of the Pencil

A boy was watching his grandmother write a letter. At one point, he asked : ' Are you writing a story about what we've done ? Is it a story about me? '
His grandmother stopped writing her letter and said to her grandson : ' I am writing about you, actually, but more important than the words is the pencil I'm using. I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up.'
Intrigued, the boy looked at the pencil. It didn't seem very special.
'But it's just like any other pencil I've ever seen!'
'That depends on how you look at things. It has five qualities which, if you manage to hang on to them, will make you a person who is always at peace with the world.
'First quality : you are capable of great things, but you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps. We call that hand God, and He always guides us according to His will.
'Second quality : now and then, I have to stop writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, he's much sharper. So you, too, must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows, because they will make you a better person.
'Third quality : the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it helps to keep us on the road to justice.
'Fourth quality : what really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So always pay attention to what is happening inside you.
'Finally, the pencil's fifth quality : it always leaves a mark. In just the same way, you should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action.

- As written by Paulo Coelho in his book
"Like the flowing river" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Applause* for this beautiful piece. Paulo Coelho, my all time favourite author, once again leaves me jaw-opened with this piece. I term his writing as "serene" and "pure". He is the writer, who taught me how to read signs, how to trust in life, and "maktub" - It's written - a belief in destiny and a greater belief in God. My thinking took on a new dimension and ever since I read this, I've been pestering every bookish person I meet to read this piece. The extent of truth portrayed with such an aura of simplicity still baffles me... I just thought I had to spread this message. Hence this post... :-) :-) A great excuse for contemplation... Hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did.
My favourites of Paulo's :
Maktub,it's written - "The Alchemist"
Love Simply Is - "The Witch of Porto Bello"
Good and Evil - " The Devil and Miss Prym"
Different=Mad? ! - "Veronica decides to Die"
Perrenial Thoughts - "Like a flowing river "

My Dad told me this, when we were into a politically non-conflicting religious discussion. I don't know who quoted this...

"For those who believe in God, no explanation is necessary... For those who do not believe in God, no explanation is possible...! " [I again go :O :O :O Whoa!! :P ;-) ]

P.S : There was no "This story is from Paulo's Book" and people who have read it already can skip it if you like, at the top, because, I knew quite well that people who have already read it, won't mind reading it fully, a second(nth?) time. . . ;-) :-) :-) Bliss ? ? Of course it is... !~!

- s()MS!e

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Kutty Kutty things - back with a Bang!!!

Saturday, the fourteenth. A day which reminded me for the umpteenth time about my future, my career, my fear and losing everyone near and dear... Mom asked me to wash some kitchen-use,extremely dirty and "odourish" towels. As I was scrubbing away, testing the make of the Rin Soap with a "dress" (net cover),and taking the privilege of being subjected to a daily chore, which happens once in a blue,green,orange,black moon.. ;) I had all the water in the universe at my command..I rotate the knob of a tap, and there comes pouring down, the elixir of life (Reminded of a class 11 lesson in English Prose..*thinks hard,but calls it quits, coming back to the subject ;) * ) Amidst the scrub and whenever I'm tired, a mere rub, I was suddenly reminded of my "Malgudi Days"...Days at St.John's. The most closest experience to a college life, learn t at school..Now things are in reverse..My college is now worse than school(Pet name - Jail"BIRD")... *ponders about God's plan* A lot of memories at school. But the only one related to a "scrub-rub" is something which ironically happens almost only on school working Saturdays or Sundays..The"white-shoe-wash-episode" :) We (me and bro) had to do this because of a "terror" sir who messed big time in his pathetic "tanglish"... one example is, he comes every Friday afternoon. Points out at any face in his Karma that day and says these words.."Sunday "CARE-CUT" don't FORGOT" [ He meant to say, Sunday Haircut,don't Forget]. These words are always accompanied by the wag of his fat forefinger, with his brows and mustache in stiff competition to who can screw up better.Now back to the Scrub. Whenever this episode happens, its always my bro first and me next.Initially, my bro took over. Or someday s, Dad took over and did 2 pairs, mine and my bro's. I still remember, the first time I was to wash my shoes. It was a great feeling of pride to me. I put my heart and soul into scrubbing all the dirt away. I always used to scowl in the end, to why that it always remained blue unlike the "angelic white" appearance of the shoes show cased on Ads. And only after that did I realize the importance of "Cherry Blossom" which soon flipped to "Kiwi" because of the cute Ads on the idiot box. As soon as the drying period was over, on Sunday night,in the last minute, my bro and me would start painting our darlings white,making them shift from Rapunzel (With lace) to Snow White(Without Lace) ;-). It is a bliss to think of all that now. To think of those times, when every breath I took added meaning to my Life. Every moment was a surprise. I wish these days last forever, for real rather than a mere memory. Life is a surprise gift. Wrapped in a useless, least attractive package, with scratches and patch-ups. But within, there is a real testimony to the existence of "GOD" [Capital G for respect, O,D,in caps for complete FAITH]. Such is the beauty of life. L-I-F-E i-S b-E-a-U-t-I-f-U-L ..... ;-) :-)
My favourite Poet again. (Namba Thala ilamaya? ;-) )

"I can summarize LIFE in just three words... "IT GOES ON " ! ! !
-Robert Frost
This post,as usual is unplanned and written out of sheer instincts. Half way through I realized it sort of had a connection to one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen. Actually two movies.
1.Children of Heaven
2.Life is Beautiful

For those still reading this post, If you really came till here -Thank you.
If you really think this post was worth your time, then check out the movies. They are worth more than anything else worth being worth of :P :) :) ;)
Well, For those who have read the post, till here, as well as seen the movies, Thank you again.
And drop a comment... :-)
-soms!e ...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

....!...!....!...& *...*...*..!

I envy not in any moods
The captive void of noble rage,
The linnet born within the cage,
That never knew the summer woods;

I envy not the beast that takes
His license in the field of time,
Unfetter'd by the sense of crime,
To whom a conscience never wakes;

Nor, what may count itself as blest,
The heart that never plighted troth
But stagnates in the weeds of sloth:
Nor any want-begotten rest.

I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'T is better to have loved and lost
than never to have loved at all.

-Alfred Lord Tennyson

[In Memoriam A.H.H.]

The 131 sections, prologue, and epilogue that make up In Memoriam A.H.H. were written between 1833 and 1850 in honor of Arthur Henry Hallam (1811-1833). Tennyson was Poet Laureate of England from 1850 until 1892.


There are some things in life you just can't explain. It just happens, and you just accept... No questioning about why-the-who-what-the-who-where ~! That's exactly why I'm typing 32 words in a flow (excluding the -,!,~,...),unable to explain why I fell in love with this piece. The title of the post stands as a testimony to what I've tried to say. Naturally, I didn't know what to name this post, and successively ended up using all the exclamations and asterisks and &'s,punctuation blunders in a decent poem... Thus conveying a message that "This isn't just a poem..It's more than that...And again...I don't know what!! "

Friday, March 28, 2008

? !

She is on a giant wheel,

The world spinning around her,or,is she?

She takes a deep breath…

That is how it’s meant to be.

The flashwheels strike again,

Taking her through another frame,

O’ the past filled with pain….

It all started with the lil’ uncle with the yellow teeth,

“What do you wanna do in life dear? he asked”

With every fleck of his yellow teeth shining bright n clear.

At the speck of the moment it started,

Her mind started exploring…

Things came knocking at her head,

She dreamt about the life that lay ahead

Momma said “Doctor”, Papa said “Collector”

But she said “Aw man!I wanna be different!”

With eyes so wide,she screamed with all pride,

Closing her eyes,she danced along with the pictures

Floating in her mind,entangled with her thoughts.

She loved food n she pictured herself in a white hood,

Ah!But that didn’t suit her style and her mood..

She was funky, with a wacky creativity and Viola!

She turned her head towards the media,but then

She always knew that flashlights were her phobia.

She could express herself better with a pen than a mic,

Words were her weapon when she wanted to strike.

And so she thought about journalism,but there came

Her folks with lips breathing pessimism..!

She hit the ceiling in retaliation,but down she came ...

Slower than expected,’cause there was,

She hated to agree,but still,there was,

A speck of truth in what they said…

Blinded by tears,she lowered her head…

“What next?” she questioned herself…

And let her eyes fall upon an article,

An article about genes and that’s when she felt the beat!

“This is it!, she cried, “Yes I know!”, she confessed,

“Genetics will be it”, she swore!!

Explore, Invent, discover knocked at her mind’s vocabulary,

The very thought made her feel like a celebrity!

She built her genetic castle with not bricks but with sweat,

But dear God, had different plans..

She couldn’t perform well in the entrance exams,

Though she knew she could’ve done better.

A string of “If only's” started hitting her.

It was too late, time just took her away..!

She jumps into the present,with a start..

She sees a shape at a distance..

It pictures her state of mind…

It looked something that marked her life..

Sudden brilliant brightness…And

Blinding her eyes was a “?” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Written during the confusion phase…taken straight out of the diary…!No editing!

God's different plan however worked out. Somsie is into genetics now, something she has always wanted in life....!
Just saw this poem, in my old diary(journal). Found it very interesting,amusing,hilarious and lots more...Memoirs of the past...Always a wonder to me..!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Excerpts from a k-i-d-s Diary....

Once again...Memoirs of the past, baffle me.. I came through a few poems written out of love for a certain G.Vivek Shiva Kumar, who fortunately happens to be my brother! :P :P :D Here are two distinctly different poems, each targetting a different emotion. The most important coincidence was, I had written the first one on 17/6/03..and the second on 17/3/04 ... :O :O :O Exactly a year after, on the same day. I just don't know what to call it..! :) Here goes...

B-R-O-T-H-E-R -L-Y Loves...

Sometimes he drove me crazy and acted like a pest…

But even back when we were kids, my bro was the best!

He has always had his loyal ways of sticking up for me…

And staying at my side, when I’ve trusted him to be…

He has always known, just what I need to hear n what I don’t,

He has known when making light of things will help and when they won’t…

So when things get tough,

When the push has come to shove, year in and year out,

I’ve counted on my brother’s Love..

Although I don’t always say it,

Although I don’t always do it,

I hope it somehow shows through..

That you are very special to me…

As lovely a brother can be…!

Dated : 17/6/03

B-R-O-T-H-E-R-L-Y Blues !~!

Hey Brother, Big Brother!

Who are you? How did you become my brother?

Really dunno..But there is an invisible thread between us,

That brings joy and happiness..!

Where have those times gone…?

When you cradled me when I was born…

You were my hero when I was a kid…

Now it’s time for you to have a kid..!

Where have all those times gone?

When we used to play pranks on each other..

And end up securing high ranks..!

Where have all those times gone?

When we used to play the “caw-caw” game,

Acting as crows searching for food and fame.

Have you forgotten those good old times?

Those absolutely yummy old times?

Those years of infinite love and affection..

Which has now turned into an infection..

I rarely get a smile or a nod from you..

Leave alone an encouraging hug from you..

Has the time changed so much??

That you don’t care for me much..

Has your spirit vanished?

Or has it been demolished?

Can the changing world put a stop to this?

Guess not!..But it can surely bring a change in you..!

I hope…I hope……:(

-Dated 17/3/04

P.S. : Here's a tissue for the second one.. ;-) ;-) The background for the mega-serialish second poem is that my bro got into a job and after that things were'nt the same...That was then..But now..things have changed so much..I love my bro..I don't call him Anna anyways..But I can always type Anna...! ;) Anna ,You're the Best!! Love You!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tagggloooooo - After the Break ;-)

I hereby declare that the following names were typed at random, and the questions following them were answered truly to the best of my knowledge :)
18.Divya Priya Raghavan
19.Siddarth Sankaran
20.Sowmya Sankaran

The above names were typed randomly,as and when they came to my head.Sharanya was the one to pull me into yet another "Tagggloooooo"..Hence it's part two,after the break,reminding me of a mega mega serial once upon a time on DD - "Adithya danraaj panakaara naaye" ,followed immediately by Junoon After the break.And after the break, its again "Adithya Dhanraj Panakaara naaye!!"... Well...But I don't think this tagggloooo will be an exact replica as the previous one, like in the example stated above.... Anyways, here goes...Taggglooooooooooo(Name longer, the second time! ;-) )

How did you meet 14?

Alice is Dominica's Best friend , who is Sharanaya's Best friend, who is My Best Friend. Confusing?? - It better be..We became close friends in college...(Both Domi n Alice). Sharanya has been best friend from school..:)

What would you do if you have never met 1?

I would'nt have anyone to share my birthday.I would have lost someone who understands me the best.I would have lost a person always close to my heart.I wouldn't be blogging this post today (She happens to be the one who tagged me! :P)

What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?

I would probably end up laughing my guts out! ! ! ! ! ! :P :P :P

Did you ever like 19?

I love him..!! He is my sweeeeetest kid brother...Someone who has been there since childhood.Though we are'nt cousins, we like calling ourselves so..!

Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?

*Ahem Ahem* Maybe they would...Both being my brothers ;-)

Describe 3

Niru is a short,cute,chubby pie.My very close friend since class 7.Fate Rules..And I thought why am I made to sit next to this girl all of a sudden...And suddenly, she became my best friend...

Do you think 8 is attractive?

Yeah, she is!! Another childhood buddy (4th std till date) ;)

Tell me something about 7

Aishwarya is my Mom's friend's daughter. We share close birthday dates (Me being jan 4 n she bein jan6)...Been family friends for a long time.She is very sweet and the best dancer ever! Very creative and my Dad sometimes says she resembles Angelina Jolie..Yah..She is pretty!

Do you know any of 12's family?

Actually Nopes...I wonder if even Domi knows ;-) ;-)

What's 18's favourite?

That would be "snubbing" people who ofcourse deserve it ;-) She'z just tooo good at it..Queen of Snubs. Another one of her favourites is Animals..She is literally in love with all the animals in the planet :) (My twin soul, this being the only area where we differ :))

What's 11's specialty?

He is (was now )my senior at college who later became a friend. A member of the College band, who can work wonders with the keyboard..Too good at it.. ;-) ;-) Loved him best when he played the entire sequence(bgm) from "Kaala kaala kaalamaga kaadhaluku naangal arpanam " from Punnagai Mannan.

Who is 9 going out with?

Disney...Hmm..No idea..I know someone he might be going out with in the future ;-) Secret!

How old is 16 now?

Sharmila is my bench associate, popularly known as "the Come On tigers THALA"...She is 20 years old but looks like she is 16..

When was the last time you talked to 13?

This evening , in the bus. When we were deciding where she should get down to meet you - know- who, for a few You-might-not-know-who...So..Freeya vidungooooo!! :P

Who's 2's favourite band/singer?

I would say EMINEM. She was the one who got me into listening to Eminem . I love the guy for his guts...Her favourite lines from The real slim shady " My Bum is On ur lips..^2..And if I'm lucky,you might just give it a lil kiss" ;-) ;-) (Mags...hehe....u better read this...Unkita thittu vaangi rombo naal aachu)

Would you date 4?

Nah..Dinesh is my very very good friend..Rakhi bro since class 7.. :)

Is 15 single?

Nopes, Augustin is Domi's friend..A guy who is a kid at heart..But its a wonder..Even he's committed.. :)

What's 10's last name?

Kumar ...The namez RAM KUMAR...

Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 13?

I am in a serious relationship - Dominica is a very dear friend to me..;-)

Which school does 3 go to?

Does'nt go to school now..Used to go to "St.John's CBSE"... (where we share great memories :D )

Where does 6 live?

He is my "big" Anna who is at present doing his MS in the US...I think he calls his appartment Waterview or something.. :) :)(*fingers crossed*temporary residence ;-) ;-))

What's your favourite thing about 5?

Subha ("Tiger Subha" *hehe*) tooo good in kalaaiching and dabaaiching.I love her sense of humour.She has an awesome attitude..!

*Paparapaaaam* THE END *Paparapaaam* (There, atleast this post has come to an end..unlike "Junoon" ;-) ;-) I think the serial would be as old as me...!! :O :O :O :P )

So who am I taggin?

*Thank You!*

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Honestly speaking, I din't know what the "networkin" "Tagged "meant, until one fine day, my cousin sent me a link with a set of questions to be answered, and asked me to blog exactly what I (managed to)answer..So here I am..trying to interpret the 6 letter word to the best of my knowledge... Sowmya presents to you - "Taggglooooo" (my own name for it, exceeding the six letters ;-))

1) Pick out a scar you have, and explain how you got it.
On top of my right eyebrow. Got it when I was a kid (I don't remember how old, but definitely was into schooling!)We were off to Planetarium for some "star gazing" but were late by 10 minutes. We had to wait for the next show for about an hours time. Luckily, there was a park in vicinity - a place where kids run around, and parents chase around...I was getting high on a swing, when an ill-fated boy came in between. Two things happened - he broke his teeth, his teeth tore my forehead. I was immediately rushed to a hospital nearby, stitched back together in place , which ultimately left the scar.
2) What does your phone look like?
Its not exactly mine.It was inherited from my bro.It stays in place with the help of
a black disco rubber band (due to the loose battery).It has none of the accessories it is supposed to have,something which the mobiles promise you.Probably because my bro lost them and naturally,I didn't get to inherit them. Well when compared to my old "antique- 2100"Nokia model, this mobile definitely promises something :)

3) What is on the walls of your bedroom?
Nothing,except for a "mala" my mom got when she took VRS from Bsnl. (Yes, I(still) sleep with my Mom..!)

4) What is your current desktop picture?

A picture taken on my birthday with beautiful memories attached to it - me and bro smiling away to glory. Two pictures were taken - One where I smiled best, another where he smiled best. The first one went into my album on Orkut, the second one on his album ;-) Eventually, the first one also got the privilege of being my desktop picture :)

5) Do you believe in Gay marriage?
Yeah..Actually I believe in marriages that people are left to do freely,be it gay or non gay. I believe that it is human rights..If Gods can marry,why not "Gays"???

6) What do you want more than anything right now?
To get rid of my fear of getting hit by a bike.

7) What time were you born?
Somewhere around 8.30 in the morning on a Sunday , 4th of January,1987.
And I make it a point to sleep till 8.30 on every Sunday possible :D

8) Are your parents still together?

9) Last person who made you cry.

Definitely has to be the person who stitched back my head into place. Hopefully, I don't remember anything which caused me pain.

10) What is your favorite perfume/cologne?

Poison (Courtesy : BRO)
Deo - Yardley

11) What kind of hair/eye color do you like in the opposite sex?

Hair colour : Black
Eye colour : Brown

12) What are you listening to?

Travellin Soldier,Hotel Keralafonia,Bizarre Love triangle,Nenjam Ellam,Tere bina,Maula mera , Dont tell me,complicated,Ban the polica,Meatloaf-Its all coming back to me,I'm like a bird,Someday,bheegi bheegi raaton main,Indian rain,Gori teri aankhon main,yunhin chala,Naguvo,un arugil varugayil,mora saiyan,lose yourself,my immortal,in the end.

13) Do you get scared of the dark?
Slightly tensed.Not necessarily scared.I don't attach any particular feelings to darkness.I love candle lights,which come into existence whenever there is a "rare"power failure in our area. I enjoy it for its beauty(especially when they flicker n dance) and not for the "romantic" tag attached to it.

14) Do you like pain killers?
Only when I 'm in pain.

15) Are you too shy to ask someone out?
Yes.I would probably take more time to look at that someone straight in the eye, or starting up a conversation would be
a big deal for me.I'm definitely one of those shy types.But all this is when it happens when I meet in person.I am more expressive when I m given the choice of typing or writing rather than talking.Well,thats me.

16) If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
Rasagula,Mum's Curd rice + Rasam+Potato Chips,MagiNoodles(egg)

17) Who was the last person who made you mad?
That's a tough one (Coz there is obviously more than one). Has to be my CRE Sir.

18) Who was the last person who made you smile?
My anna.When he commented on my post about mom.It was truly a "family thing",and definitelythe "Naalai Namadhe" MOMENT!! ;-) ;-)

*AVM BGM ;-)* The End *Pudupettai BGM* ;-) ;-) ;-)

Note :
Well, I was actually asked to send these questions to fellow bloggers, and they will go through the same stuff I went through . (Yaam petra thunbam,Vayyagamum peruga) (Excuse moi, for the wrong tamil saying! :D) So I thought I would probably paste the questions at the bottom.Anyone interested can copy them.Your wish! :)

1) Pick out a scar you have, and explain how you got it.

2) What does your phone look like?

3) What is on the walls of your bedroom?

4) What is your current desktop picture?

5) Do you believe in Gay marriage?

6) What do you want more than anything right now?

7) What time were you born?

8) Are your parents still together?

9) Last person who made you cry.

10) What is your favorite perfume/cologne?

11) What kind of hair/eye color do you like in the opposite sex?

12) What are you listening to?

13) Do you get scared of the dark?

14) Do you like pain killers?

15) Are you too shy to ask someone out?

16) If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?

17) Who was the last person who made you mad?

18) Who was the last person who made you smile?

Friday, February 29, 2008

My Mom is the gREATEST pErson on Earth...~~!!!

To start off , I know the title sounds like this post is going to be "as emotional as can be". True..! So anyone who doesn't like the taste of certain sentiments,can happily skip this post.. But please don't comment that you actually "skipped" this post..I can do without that..! ;-) So, to me,my mom is the greatest person on earth.Those who value sentiments,and probably, those still reading this may question "So what? It's the same for everyone.." The fact is, most of us would only take the fact for granted.Most of you wouldn't actually openly express that thought or acknowledge the fact that she is the greatest soul on earth...And thats exactly what I'm gonna do now..I wonder why I didn't give it much thought for so long... I take all pleasure in writing about the dearest, sweetest ,most loveliest creature in my life - My Mom..! :) My mom was named "Miss Usha Devi" by her folks and has now become "Mrs.Usha Devi Gangadharan" to us...Though I never liked her second name much, I've never told her that. Usha seems like a nice,short,cute name which fits her profile - Short nCute! She is an amazing cook, always trying to satisfy one person or another ,be it my friends or her in-laws or her greatest treasure and expert judge -My Bro Vivek.. ;-)Some of the things in the dictionary of Food became out favourites truly due to her adept cooking. We(me n bro) have experienced other unkempt hands at cooking too, and we feel blessed to be fed my a certain Mrs.Usha Gangadharan (Skipping the "Devi" I don't like). From all that she has told us, about our childhood days and her early days,just after getting married to a dark n handsome "my Dad", she has been a "Survivor" of all kinds. She definitely has gone through all the hardships of a woman, going against reality,marrying a man of a different caste, doing everything possible for a 4 letter word Love..! Yes, everything which is now portrayed in every other mega serial on television these days..! Everything...! I salute my Mom for her strength and survival instincts. Mom is very practical when it comes to handling financial situations. No one can beat this woman in Mathematics (A subject in which both me and my bro are pathetic enough to bring her all disgrace ;-) ) She sometimes boasts about her score 693/700 in her Bsc Mathematics. Now, there's the proof..!
Ever since the accident, I have this sudden urge to do the things I've always wanted to do. Just taking full control of my life. One of such things was telling the people I love , exactly how much I loved them.Started off with bro and naturally next probable target was Mom. .A person who has spent so much time in looking after me, treating me as a thumb sucking three year old,giving me the love I wanted so much, to spin back into Life...! I guess, that's partly why I am blogging about this woman..I'm lucky to be born to Mrs.Usha and Mr.Gangadharan...I love her...truly...madly...deeply...!!! She deserves more than just the occasional hugs and kisses we shower upon her..She Rocks! ;-) ;-)

P.S: I'm so glad to write this post about Mom..Just yesterday, I was telling her exactly what Testimonials in Orkut meant.She asked me immediately,like an inquisitive child, "What if they are not actually sincere?"..I replied " It's what an individual thinks about it depends upon the person..".. I bet she is wondering the same thing,while reading this post.I can just imagine her expression - the most beautiful expression of surprise, overwhelmed with emotions. Amma..I love you so much............!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

feb13th..definitely not my day

I bunked college on a wednesday,a day before the 14th of feb 2008. Me and a friend had planned on starting work on a poster, for a presentation coming up the week end. Friends at home, is forever a compulsion for mom , to bring out the wonderful cook in her. That auspicious day,she wanted to fill our tummies with her yummy bisi bhela bath. She wanted some masala to be brought from food world near our house. I din't want my friend to think it as a waste of time,and gave her some stuff related to our paper to read while I was away. I took my bike and that's about the last thing I remember of the D-Day. I had met with an accident on my way to Food World and had somehow ended up with a head injury. My memory is completely blank on the details and how exactly I found my way into a hospital gown, lying on a bed, surrounded by nurses too many, taking fast glimpses at my Iv line. Mom's face amidst those faces was a relief. I had a stream of visitors from college. Everybody dropped in and made my day brighter. My best friends were there and I was wondering if something was seriously wrong with me. Then I understood, it's something that could have happened to any of them. Hence that brought them into a close understanding of the situation. Maktub - its written, came to my head immediately.
The doc said I was out of danger. I thought I'll have to transform into kamal hasan with a memory loss and spend the rest of my life trying to remember the last time I shared a cake. But the doc very effectively put a NO to all that,and as per his advice, I am to be at home, on "complete" rest till the first of march. That's so very sweet of him ;-) Helping me in a way to escape "jail" (a.k.a. college). I feel elated to be still alive. I feel like God has chosen me as a person who deserves a life. And I 'm gonna live my life completely,like I truly deserve. I find an angel residing on my head these days. Anyone visiting me seems to greet the angel first ...! Am I glad?!
The angel has now stepped down my shoulder, and is urging me to add stuff about people who saved me.
Thanks to - Auto driver kabali and dhobi anna - for carrying me all the way to the hospital and admitting me there. For informing my mom about my state.


hehehehehehe...!! It's all in the Game... ;-) ;-) ;-) :-)

There are more things i've learnt from this accident :
1.Love your life like there'z no tomorrow...
2.Quit worrying about trivial issues in life..."Why do ye have to go and make things so complicated!?! " There's more to L-i-f-e than just taking a ride on emotional roller coasters.
3.I have decided not to Hate people for no reason. Well,I believe in one God who created the universe.Every individual came into being because God sculpted every soul on earth.So, when people were just being themselves, just the way God made them,why hAtE them for no reason? ? ?So as long as their actions don't affect mine, I don't have any hate lists..!
4.Never postpone saying things right from the bottom of your heart. Show people that you care.Never assume that they'll know, they'll understand or whatever.And last but not the least,Be true to yourself!...!

"The greatest thing in life is not just survivng it...But surviving it without "any regrets"...! "


Monday, February 4, 2008

Fear of the Zip Obsessed..:O

Corny start? ? ? Intentionally planted lines for a "perked up" start. Just an idea of what's coming. Now..wait a minute.. it's got nothing to do with pornography, rapists or anything concerning *matter*... It largely revolves around a 4 letter word. [*wrong guess again, it doesn't begin with F ;-) *] R-A-i-d.. It happens once in a while,once in a while being monthly once. A pack of gangsters barge into the classroom, bringing us divine beings sleeping away to glory, back to mother earth. They almost start diving and digging into the bags, underneath desks, etc etc etc. The entire process involves a lot of zipping and unzipping. Sometimes accompanied by struggle with the stuck zips, which raises the suspicion even more, and the poor zip gets unzipped more harshly than the rest. All this to check if we had anything out of the list of things to carry to school (!!)-books , "college benchmarked "notebooks, calci, pen,pencil,rubber,rough notebook. A list of "non-bringables" being
1. novels of all types - Be it the Mills and Boons or the R.L.Stine types, the archies or the tinkles ,and God forbid - Potter(s)!! ;-)
2.Mobile.(beware - even basic 2100 model gets snatched away.Want to get rid of old antique models ? - Join the club)
3.Music Cd's, Dvds,Matter Cds, Comedy Cds, sometimes even "Authentic" Project materials
4.iPods, mp3 players,portable mini Radio , transistor, walkie-talkie set
5. Last but not the least - Hindu newspaper- mainly Friday review, if it happens to be Friday (the 13th?) or probably metroplus. Deccan chronicle -( more severe offence due to the party stuff in the last page)

Well..with that note, I would like to end like a "hardcore" optimist....Just one more year left, to live in fear..!! :) ;) ;-)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Coffee ? No please..!!:)

Every time I think of something interesting to blog about, something or the other keeps coming up,to an extent of making me forget what had initially set off my writing sensitivities. . . This morning, one such incident happened. But this time, not letting the other things come in between, I decided to blog under an ASAP Code.Here I go....
The title suggests that this post has something to do with the following things :
3.The person saying a "NO"
4.The person saying a "NO" with a "Please" tailing behind
5.And the reason behind the "NO", with or without the tail.

Before I drive a few of my readers "crazy" and a few"craziER", let me start off with what's bothering me this time, that I'm here to give a new post. The Idea of "Polite" Refusal is what is bothering me...This might give an impression to a few that I'm fast approaching the insanity threshold.Maybe you're right, but noone's stopping me from saying what I got to say.. ;-)

Ever since I was a kid,the first lie I was made to utter was "say no,when your heart and mind correlate for once,prompting you to say a YES..! For instance, an aunty in a flowery sarree came upto me and asked me if I wanted juice. It was something like a silent prayer answered, when my heart prompted me to say "yes please", but the dagger throws from mom made me refuse with the tail attached. Its not about whether I wanted the juice very badly or not. It's just that for a person who doesn't really want the juice, the NO would be meaningless,as the many aunties in the flowery ^infinity sarees would naturally assume that the person was just being formal. With a cackling laugh coming up from the kitchen, you would hear a shrill voice commanding you to take it, and stop being so formal . So whether or not a person really wants what is being offered,he/she has to struggle a bit before making them understand the "real NO". Wouldn't it have been easier if there was no such concept as "Polite refusal", that people were allowed to speak their mind and say yes or no as and when they felt it coming and not out of a forceful , most probably reversible outcome? And most importantly, not being mistaken for "the first time YES". I don't think most would have even given it a thought. So..what's going on ? ? ? Why does this refuse to leave my head? ???

Note :
Any theories are welcome in the comment section ,as long as they don't end up confusing me even more.


This happens whenever I take a train from Chennai to Bangalore ( as whenever I travel alone!). After taking consecutive modes of ...