Thursday, November 1, 2007

Out-In-Stay !

I have always wondered what people meant when they said "Falling out of love". They always say that "Falling out of love is as easy as falling in love". That is what happens in most of the break-ups when it comes to relationships. Its true...Staying in love is more harder than falling in and out of love. So what is this "L-O-V-E"...? A feeling, an emotion resulting in a commotion? God? Knowledge? Power? Faith? Goodwill?Lunacy? Pessimism?Optimism?Objectivism? and the list goes on...A thousand and one defintions, given with the spinning wheels of time... The reality is that "Love simply is...",as said by Paulo Coelho in The Witch of Portobello , a book that reached deep into the chambers of my heart, with a music I've never experienced before. A book that baffled me, till the last page, not letting me understand, what it really spoke of. And in the end, in the last line of the book, I understood. All this was about love, and the ultimate definition "Love simply is..." had me speechless for seconds! If you ask if there can be a strong display of emotions with words, that's one example I got for you! I have been taught a lot about the "misinterpreted" love. Love is Friendship, Friendship is love, and according to me, both statements are lame. The next definition, Love is Sacrifice... I seriously can't get that . How can you link sacrifice and love...Its either sacrifice for love, or Love as a sacrifice. How can you actually equate those two, interdependent emotions ?Love is God. This is partly acceptible. As legend has it, God comes in various forms and one of them is love... But this wasn't too big a definition to me. Practically speaking, Love is God is not enough to deal with relationships ruled by ego, jealousy,spite,possessiveness,obsession,pessimism,brawls,suspicion,....So where are we headed, in the disguise of the four letter word L-O-V-E..? ? "Sometimes, it feels like the world's on my shoulder, everyone's leaning on me. " Sometimes, things happen with no reason , no justification, sometimes the world may look like its broken into pieces, sometimes we may never get to say how important some people are, until its too late. Sometimes the world may look lopsided and we end up cursing every living soul. Sometimes we never realize that we have fallen until the pit is too deep to come out. Sometimes you just can't help falling in love.... Such is the power of Love. You dont know when it happens, how it happens and why it happens .But the fact is, It Happens....! No matter how much you try to run away from it.. Love has no possible explanation...Love cannot be defined. Love cannot be conquered. Love cannot be analysed... Because.. Love simply is... ... .... .... !


Ice-Thorn said...

OMG! ..

I couldnt agree more, your absolutely right... loved these lines
"...Love cannot be defined. Love cannot be conquered. Love cannot be analysed"

Im glad i read that book you gave me. Theres is nothing that can explain love. The most complex and most simple feeling in the world..

Indeed Love simply is.....!

Loved this piece somsie. hugs

s()ms!e said...

Thank u..i'm glad that u got "so(w)msie" right this time ;-)

Sharanya Rajendran said...

Good post somsie...! Exactly like u've mentioned... Love cannot be defined n v never know when it comes to us...!

Here's one quote(!!)about love which I heard!


tee hee.... cheers, janu


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