Thursday, March 27, 2008

Excerpts from a k-i-d-s Diary....

Once again...Memoirs of the past, baffle me.. I came through a few poems written out of love for a certain G.Vivek Shiva Kumar, who fortunately happens to be my brother! :P :P :D Here are two distinctly different poems, each targetting a different emotion. The most important coincidence was, I had written the first one on 17/6/03..and the second on 17/3/04 ... :O :O :O Exactly a year after, on the same day. I just don't know what to call it..! :) Here goes...

B-R-O-T-H-E-R -L-Y Loves...

Sometimes he drove me crazy and acted like a pest…

But even back when we were kids, my bro was the best!

He has always had his loyal ways of sticking up for me…

And staying at my side, when I’ve trusted him to be…

He has always known, just what I need to hear n what I don’t,

He has known when making light of things will help and when they won’t…

So when things get tough,

When the push has come to shove, year in and year out,

I’ve counted on my brother’s Love..

Although I don’t always say it,

Although I don’t always do it,

I hope it somehow shows through..

That you are very special to me…

As lovely a brother can be…!

Dated : 17/6/03

B-R-O-T-H-E-R-L-Y Blues !~!

Hey Brother, Big Brother!

Who are you? How did you become my brother?

Really dunno..But there is an invisible thread between us,

That brings joy and happiness..!

Where have those times gone…?

When you cradled me when I was born…

You were my hero when I was a kid…

Now it’s time for you to have a kid..!

Where have all those times gone?

When we used to play pranks on each other..

And end up securing high ranks..!

Where have all those times gone?

When we used to play the “caw-caw” game,

Acting as crows searching for food and fame.

Have you forgotten those good old times?

Those absolutely yummy old times?

Those years of infinite love and affection..

Which has now turned into an infection..

I rarely get a smile or a nod from you..

Leave alone an encouraging hug from you..

Has the time changed so much??

That you don’t care for me much..

Has your spirit vanished?

Or has it been demolished?

Can the changing world put a stop to this?

Guess not!..But it can surely bring a change in you..!

I hope…I hope……:(

-Dated 17/3/04

P.S. : Here's a tissue for the second one.. ;-) ;-) The background for the mega-serialish second poem is that my bro got into a job and after that things were'nt the same...That was then..But now..things have changed so much..I love my bro..I don't call him Anna anyways..But I can always type Anna...! ;) Anna ,You're the Best!! Love You!!


Anu said...

wahn!!!! i really need d tissues... i want a bro too :( ore pheelings... (*sniff...) :P and as i always say... awessssome job once again sowmieeeee. keep it up.

Vivek_Gangadharan said...

ware waaahhh!!!!!!!!!!!! watta post .. kutti awesome topic to pen on dee... i really admire your brother .. man he shud have been a blast ... i am praying god that i shud meet that great person sometime...

s()ms!e said...

@Anu - Thanks ! : )



This happens whenever I take a train from Chennai to Bangalore ( as whenever I travel alone!). After taking consecutive modes of ...